Getting ready for Lughnasadh, the first harvest. This is from Avalon Grove’s altar last year. Grain offerings each representing the Quarter, clockwise from top: pearl barley for the East, red hard spring wheat for the South, whole oat grains for the West and dark northern rye for the North. It’s not easy to burn candles in the windy August afternoon so grains served well as tower pointers and also as offerings.
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#lughnasadhritual #celticritual #firstharvest #celticway #grainofferings #quarters #lugh #oldways #paganrituals #nycpagans #nycwitches #sunworship #oldgods #lammas #lughnasadh #witchcraft #occult #folkmagick #paganrite #nycwitchscene #nycwitchchronicals #wiccanaltar #nycwiccans #lughnasadhaltar #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #paganharvest #wheeloftheyear #paganways
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