Ephemeral blue “fire” at CWPN Harvest Gathering this year. Sadly, the real fire was not allowed because of the extreme draught in the area, but silver lining was it’s alternative – the blue smoke fountain, very fitting for this year’s theme – the Sacred Waters. Fire circle was certainly different without blazing bonfire, but the drumming and the blue fog (and probably the assortment of homemade meads I tasted that night) sort of transported to the other magical world, slower, calming and mysterious.
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#harvestgathering #HG2022 #cwpn #cwpnharvestgathering #ct #ctpagans #firecircle #bluefire #sacredwaters #pagancommunity #harvestgathering #pagandance #paganfire #pagan #witches #druids #heathens #oldways #campcedarcrest #bluebonfire