The Wiccan Grand Rite during Beltane ritual by North Wyldewood Coven and Tradition.
May the energy of invoked Danu, Dagda and surrounding nature spirits bring the blessings of Beltane and abundance and joy into the summer to come!
#beltaneritual # thegrandrite #wiccangrqndrite #beltane #nycwitches #nycpagans #nycwiccans #beltaneblessings #celticcoven #celtictradition #brooklynpagans #celticamerican #danu #dagda #witchcraft #nycwitchevents #nycwitchscene
May the energy of invoked Danu, Dagda and surrounding nature spirits bring the blessings of Beltane and abundance and joy into the summer to come!
#beltaneritual # thegrandrite #wiccangrqndrite #beltane #nycwitches #nycpagans #nycwiccans #beltaneblessings #celticcoven #celtictradition #brooklynpagans #celticamerican #danu #dagda #witchcraft #nycwitchevents #nycwitchscene