The wheel of the year has turned once more… At winter solstice we celebrated the rebirth of the Sun and success of our harvests. At Imbolc we set our sights on the year ahead of us and considered what we would like to achieve this time around. Now, at Ostara, we finalize our plans and take first steps in making them manifest, by planting the seeds of our desires.
The spring equinox is the time of balance, of equal day and night, we stand poised to take advantage of the waxing light and the warming Earth that gods have generously bestowed upon us.
This year I have grand plans to bring a lot of change into my life. And that means a lots of planning and a lot of spell work to make it happen. While some parts are already in motion, bigger part is still budding, so I went to all 4 rituals that I could fit into my schedule to make sure i manifest it loud and clear.
The first one was by Grailwood Coven in midtown Manhattan. The poetry reading, song singing and seed planting was followed by the great feast. At the time that I am writing this post the basil and parsley shoots that I planted are already emerging from the soil.
Wiccan Family Temple’s Ostara was very popular this year. The room in Lower East Side was packed, but we did raise quite some energy. Vibrant altar had eggs in all colors and sizes. We planted our intentions for this year into the live plants in order to see them grow as the plant grows. Colorful eggs had sunflower seeds in them that I can’t wait to plant in my little garden when weather permits it.
The third ritual was Ostara/Birthday party for Lady Morgana, so for the cake and ale part we had real birthday cake! Hekate’s Sacred Temple Torchbearer of the Crossroads incorporated the play of the myth of Persephone and Hades to mark the turn of the wheel of the year, ascent and descent of the seasons when she comes back from the Underworld in spring and returns there in the fall.
And the forth was by Avalon Grove in a super hip Bushwick café/event space Tarns-Pecos. The only ritual that started at noon so the natural light and vibrant colors of the flowers and eggs already would put anyone in an elevated mood. Ostara and Lado have been invoked during the ritual and Lado’s candle split in two flames welcoming his other feminine half – Lada into the circle. Beautiful singing, egg coloring with best wishes followed by the “hunt” and, of course, the potluck.
Gifts of Gaia, Green Man rule,
My wishes come to from
Good fortune roots within my world,
Prosperity is born!