How are the witches made? Can they be made at all? One might argue that you become one once you acquire special wisdom, a.k.a. powers; another would say that the simple decision and willingness to study witchcraft is sufficient, while yet, others would say that witches are born not made. And the number of opinions would probably grow with every individual asked. Well, last weekend I had a chance to take a peak into the ritual where four 1st degree graduates and one 3rd (and final) degree high priestess were initiated according to Wiccan tradition.
At first it looked like regular Wiccan rite: circle was cast, quarters were called, everyone anointed with special oil… but then each of the four initiates were approached by the elder as they said their vows and dedicating themselves to the Gods and Goddess of their choice.
The theme of this ceremony is of rebirth, with the accent on both God and Goddess but mainly the Goddess. For the women especially it’s an introduction to the Goddess within her. So each participant picked up the mirror and took a good look at themselves.
Then it was time for newly baked witches to introduce themselves to the quarters.
And last, every initiate did a speak on what the Craft, Wicca and this dedication meant to them. A lot of nice words were said but the metaphor that stuck in my mind came from Mandy, mother to 3 small kids: that what began as her escape from busy daily life to weekend classes, became that of the “glass jar, already filled with pebbles to the top, but Wicca studies were the water that filled the gaps between the stones”. Truly beautiful, right?
Then came the 3rd degree initiation to the high priestess.
And after some long speeches and vows all that was left to do is to see if the cloak fits, exchange gifts and cut the cake.
Congratulations, witches! Blessed be!