Portrait of Bronwyn Le Fae was the first witch portrait I took in NYC after I met her at @wiccanfamilytemple. In this photo, Bronwyn is standing in the backyard of her Greenpoint home before she moved to Florida.
Bronwyn Le Fae comes from Stregheria – the Italian witchcraft tradition. Her grandparents, who ... [Read More]
Beltane with Wiccan Family Temple

Beltane some years ago with Wiccan Family Temple. So many great memories! And probabaly the biggest maypole I have seen in NYC. ☸️
#beltane #beltanemaypole #beltaneritual #beltanedance #maypoledance #maypole #urbanwitchcraft #citywitches #witchesofnewyork #witchesofinstagram #nycwitchevents #nycwitchchronicles #nycwitchscene #wiccanfamilytemple #nycbeltane #oldways #walpurgisnacht